The club pays $20 - $50 per game and it's a great way to be involved and learn more about the game.
To enroll in this training you must be 13 years old by December 31, 2019. Parents and any adult are also encouraged to certify! if you become a ref this spring, your liscence will be good until the end of 2019
The club will provide a bonus to any new ref from Durham or Middlefield who refs 8 games in 2019 (any level of games).
Training is done via online self taught sessions followed by an online open book test. Once the online session is completed, you will need to register for 2 sessions. The first session is a classroom session, the second a field session, both are taught by CJSA instructors. Each session is 3 hours, most sessions are held on the same day back to back. See the website for full instructions
IF you become a Referee:
The club will work around your schedule: you will not be forced to choose between playing and referee'ing. You will work only when you are available
If you think you could be an AR but not sure about becoming a center, that is fine, every game needs 2 AR's and 1 center, some ref's specialize in being AR's and rarely center a game. You will not be given a center until you feel you are ready
You can only be a center for age groups 2 yrs younger than you, so if you are 14 yrs old, you can only center u12 and under games
You can only be AR games for age groups 1 yr younger than your age
For more information on the program, visit
For specific questions, please contact CSC Referee assignor John Bugai at [email protected]